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It was a cold night in december. I meditate in a room with no windows, door closed, no distracting noise and the only thing
that came into the room was a subtle light from outside the room, said light was the only thing illuminating the room. I close my eternally
blinking eyes. I think "Right now, i am in this room, although it looks normal to me, it is of immeasurable size for single celled
organisms, like the cells in my body that work in society for the common good of their own society. Like a hive mind. Isn't it wonderful? how
every complex living being is a hive mind of uncountable organisms that share one conciousness and thus form the self? It would be so much
better if allhuman beings decided to do the same with other complex organisms, making a society where everyone takes into consideration the
wellbeing of other entities. And speaking of society, Inside this room, i dont have to worry about anything that happens to it. It's just
Me and my thoughts. Hell, everything outside this room could disappear and i wouldn't even notice." These thoughts were fascinating to me.
The way one can disconnect from the world by simple meditation and isolation is just a feeling i cannot describe. It's magical. I sit for
a few minutes more, thinking about the future until i feel satisfied. I open my eyes just to see a pitch black room. The light that
used to make it bright had disappeared, i get up from bed and open the door to go get some water. Walking through the hallway i can only see
the color black, but i can at the same time percieve all of my surroundings. It's a weird feeling and i don't like it. I start walking faster
out of anxiety and once i'm in the kitchen, i get the water, after drinking it my heart is beating way faster than it normally does.
I rush to the room again and start meditating again to calm myself down. This time i close my eyes until i fall asleep.