Today i went to therapy. As usual i was presented with many words of affirmation that human lives matter. i still am not convinced by those
words, but i did learn something. People not neccessarily deserve or have to die to make this existence better, instead, people can just grow and
become better. Now personally i am pretty sure that will never happen and people will always be stupid, selfish and humanity will forever continue
to be fueled by separation, but we can make things a little better for everyone by being nice (!!!!). Yes, this is cliche and all but seriously i
wholeheartedly believe in and encourage treating each other as human beings. Even the worst people deserve support and love as long as they are
willing and trying to be a good person, because, any person that at least tries to be a good person is already better than anyone that doesnt
intend to bring positivity to the world. I am sure of it. Now you might call me a hypocrite for saying that while believing that human lives
dont matter while also telling others to be nice to other humans, but i don't consider it hypocritical to recognize a problem while encouraging
a solution. Because, in the end, human lives do not matter. They never will, what matters is what people make of them, the only thing that matters
is what people make of them, the way they spend their time, how they contribute to other's lives, the only thing that matters is that you enjoy
your life without affecting others negatively. So please, the next time you want to do something that affects someone, no matter who that
person is, think of a solution instead of a punishment and if the person is you, make sure you know what you're doing. Be a kind person please.